Canadian Red Cross BLENDED ONLINE learning is approved and meets CSA Standard Z1210-17, OH&S regulations and includes the latest CPR Guidelines. This is a combination of in-class and online instruction. It offers participants a more flexible option. Part 1 online learning is a self paced course that teaches theory and information that can be applied in the skill development classroom setting in Part 2. Both Parts are a requirement in order to obtain certification.
Instead of the traditional 2 days in the classroom, the Blended option allows for the same certification with less time out of the field/office. The self-paced on-line component is user friendly and is emailed to you from the Canadian Red Cross.
Part 1: Online
Debco will register you for the Blended Course. Part 1: You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the Canadian Red Cross learning portal within 1 business day of registration. Once you have completed the online learning portion, you will attend Part 2, the in-class practical skills component, for completion of the course. The classroom portion must be attended within 45 days after Part 1 (online) is complete.
Part 2: Classroom
Classroom learning includes hand-on practical first aid skills. Participants that have completed Part 1 (online component), can now attend the in-class practical skills portion. Once both parts are completed, full certification will be awarded. All certificates are emailed immediately following completion of the course.